Saturday 2 February 2013

More Creatures Mod Part 2 (Werewolf)

Hello everyone my name is TrueAllen and today I am going to continue "More Creautures Mod".

We are currently in the Hostiles section.

Next let's look at the Werewolf.
There are Four types.
1.Normal Werewolf

2.White Werewolf

3.Black Werewolf

4.Fire Werewolf


As far as i know the only thing different about each one is the skin.
They can only be killed with explosives or a golden sword.
In the daytime they turn into humans again.

Friday 1 February 2013

More Creautures Mod (Ogre)

Hello everyone.
In this Blog I shall be introducing the greatest mod of all time "More Creatures"!!
This in my opinion is a very useful mod. It makes Minecraft More realistic.
Hostile Mobs
Let's start with the Ogre.
There are three types of ogres
1.Normal Ogre
2.Cave Ogre
3.Fire Ogre
They all have unique drops.
The Normal Ogre drops 2 pieces of obsidian,
while the Cave Ogre drops 2 diamonds,
and the Fire Ogre drops 2 fire blocks.
They all have different strength values.
The Normal Ogre's strength is 2.50,
while the Cave Ogre's strength is 3.00,
and the Fire Ogre's strength is 1.50.
When the Normal Ogre is in range he will smash all the blocks around him in a 12 block radius.
The Cave Ogre is the same for smashing blocks.
Now the Fire Ogre sets every thing on fire and will not smash blocks.